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COMMUNITY by FERRED - Disposable Glasses
Description Code Product
PLA Glasses

Environmental sustainibility:
Compostable and biodegradable

Withstand a maximum temperature of 50°

Do not use in microwave

C80029 PLA 200 cc glass
C80010 PLA 250 cc glass
C80011 PLA 400 cc glass
C80015 PLA 500 cc glass
Description Code Product
Cartoon glass and cup covered with MaterBi
Cellulose pulp glass

Environmental sustainibility:
Compostable and biodegradable

Withstand a maximum temperature of 85°/125°

Only cellulose pulp glass can be used in microwave

C80009 Cartoon glass 235 cc (MaterBi)
C80012 Cartoon cup 100 cc (MaterBi)
C80017 Cellulose pulp glass 250 ml